Reading Goals Term 3

Posted by Room 14 UHPS , Tuesday, August 10, 2010 3:22 PM

Our focus for reading this term has been "locating and retrieving" Information. This means to find information in our text and share it with others.

We have created some goals by using our asTTle reading test and highlighting text to help up us come up with some ideas.

We are taking positive action and have created our own reading goals. We will reflect on them at the end of Term to check our progress.

CONJUNCTIONS - What are they???

Posted by Room 14 UHPS , Monday, August 9, 2010 8:39 PM

Room 14 have been creating MIB Goals for writing. We used our "Student Data Folders" to identify areas we need to develop to help us move forward in our learning.

In Room 14 we all needed to develop our skills in writing compound and complex sentences. We have been looking at CONJUNCTIONS (joining words) to help us develop our sentences further.

We have used a highlighter in our books to celebrate our success's.

Here is a video clip with Madison, Tom, Lachlan and Matthew explaining what conjunctions are...